Jan 10, 2024
Initially exposed to the goalie position because her sister thought it would be funny, Kait Devir found enjoyment in the game to stop balls from going into the net. As her lacrosse experience grew, so did her mindset to excel, leading her to invest in her effort by always doing 1% more, reaffirming her preparation for big moments, and taking initiative to vocalize her needs. Her focus on the details to succeed as a player have translated over to her attention to detail as a sports photographer. Her approach to progress over perfection as an athlete have also enabled her to focus on growth in her visual art. She is known for her ability to capture unique and special moments of celebration and gratitude.
Kait believes that “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” She has personally lived this mantra by leaving one of the top women’s lacrosse programs in Boston College to attend University of Southern California allowing her to pursue her creative passion as a student athlete studying cinema